Todo-List for Seminar Organizers


  1. generate a new collection like sose2023 (or wise202223) by adding a new folder _sose2023 to the root of this git-repository and adding the collection name sose2023 in the _config.yml file.
  2. Enter all possible seminar dates of the semester in a markdown table in
  3. Ask your boss about
    1. dates that should be blocked (remove them from the table)
    2. Guests he intends to invite (and give them early access to the seminar dates) and for extra students that are expected to present this semester
  4. After adding the guests, ask the group (and additional students) to fill out some kind of a doodle-poll with their preferred talk-dates and generate the schedule, which is entered into the table on Here is a sample e-mail:
Dear Seminar-Listeners and Presenters,

The SUMMER/WINTER semester has started already and our seminar begins in two weeks. Please indicate your availability for giving your talk in this Doodle-Poll [1]. The system is as follows: Each of you votes "YES" (green check-mark) at one (and only one) time-slot to indicate your favorite day. Additionally you mark all other days at which you can deliver your talk with "MAYBE" (yellow check-mark).

The talk-slots are not distributed by a first-come-first-serve scheme but please take into account that we can only have two talks per meeting, i.e. try not to vote "YES" when a slot already has >=2 "YES" votes. Also consider that during the first session on XXX we will decide on incentives for giving your talk early.

Please complete the Doodle-Poll by next Thursday (DATE).

If you have further questions do not hesitate to reach out.

Best Regards


During the semester (Weekly)

  1. Ask the speakers one week before their talk to send you their abstract and title and add it in the correct format as markdown file to the correct collection (see e.g.\ example-abstract-file). For convenience, you can also add a link from the speakers to their respective talks in the table by doing [Speaker Name](#tag-number). See here for reference.
  2. 3 days before the seminar, send out the seminar-email. An HTML announcement mail can be generated by running
    cd 'YOURPATH'/SeminarNumerik/
    echo "---\n layout: mail\n session: $1 \n zoomlink: \n---" >
    bundle exec jekyll build
    cd _site
    juice --preserve-important true --remove-style-tags false --web-resources-images false mail.html mailout.html
    cat mailout.html | xclip -selection clipboard

    For this you must have juice and xclip installed.

  3. Inform yourself about the speakers, give a polite introduction, and handle the questions during the seminar.